Self-Serve On-Farm Store

located at: 15400 Baden Naylor Road, Brandywine, MD 20613

Our on-farm store is now self-serve!

“It was the best chicken I’ve ever had!”


We know you have a full schedule with so many time commitments.

Planning a visit to pick up your farm-fresh, pasture-raised meats and eggs can often be a challenge when store hours are limited, but you still want to be able to feed your family healthy, locally produced foods. That’s why we have incorporated a self-serve option for our on-farm store. Our store is now available to you daily from 7 am until 7 pm! Here’s how it works:

When driving on Baden Naylor Road, on the east side, you will see a stand of mailboxes, and one has a round, “Foxfire Farm” sign and is labeled with the numbers “15400.” You will turn at that set of mailboxes, and follow the shared drive straight back. There are three properties that share this drive, and ours is the farthest back. Please drive slowly and carefully as there are often animals and young children about, and we want to be respectful of our neighbors.

You will see an open, black metal gate with another “Foxfire Farm” sign and a sign with the numbers “15400.” Drive through the gate and follow the signs to our parking area. Enter the main horse barn through the left-hand set of blue double sliding doors.

Upon entering, you will see a raised area to the right of the double doors and you will note a black chalkboard sign with instructions:

Store instructions and community posting board.

Help yourself to our paper bags - or feel free to borrow our cooler if needed for a longer drive and return upon your next visit.

Paper bags to carry your purchases - or borrow and return our cooler on your next visit!

Shop our selection of meats and eggs! We also often have produce and flowers available in season. All of our animals are rotationally-grazed on our pesticide and herbicide-free pastures and fed non-GMO supplemental grain. No hormones or antibiotics, ever. All poultry is humanely processed on our farm by us - your farmers.

Prices are noted on the packages, signs, and chalkboard.

Total up your purchases and either place exact change into our cash box or send the total to us via Venmo (@Shari-Walker-2) or CashApp ($swalker1983). To ensure you get all of the items you want, you may also order via our online store and pick up your marked order from our fridge and freezer at your leisure!

Feel free to leave us a note, a suggestion, or a request on our notepad, and don’t forget to check out our Employee of the Week!

Please tell your friends, leave us a review on Google or Facebook, and come back to see us soon! Our small, family farm can only raise healthy animals humanely, heal our soil and environment, and bypass the harmful, factory farm institutions with the support of our community. We are so grateful to each person who visits us.


Shari, Chris, & Declan Bryant


Grass-Fed Chicken

Pasture-Raised Turkey

Pastured Whole Turkey

Quarter, Half, and Whole Hog Shares